If you are transferring from another company to Calico
Bringing new people into our business is always a really exciting time for us as with new talent comes more diversity, a breadth of skills and experience in turn bringing new ideas, opportunities and innovation. Welcoming TUPE employees is no exception!
It’s important to us that however you start your journey at Calico, you get the same great experience so we will be pulling out all the stops to ensure you get a very warm welcome and quickly feel part of the team.
But we understand that change can be unsettling, and that the transfer of your employment from one organisation to another might make you feel a little nervous.
The transfer of your employment should be as reassuring and enjoyable as possible. We will make sure that you have all the information and assurance you need to embrace this change as a positive step in your career and life.
Calico is a values-led organisation, with supportive people, an inclusive culture, and people-focused leadership that want to support to you to grow, succeed, innovate, collaborate and have fun.

What to expect
Whenever we are transferring employees into our business, we like to meet with the potential transferees and their representatives as soon as possible so that we can share information relevant to the transfer process.
Aside from this being part of the consultation process, our aim is to ensure that staff feel as comfortable as possible with the transition from one employer to another.
The Meet and Greet will cover the following topics:
Who we are – an overview of our business and culture
The benefits of working for The Calico Group
Our service delivery and staffing model
How the transfer process will work
What to expect on joining
Any measures that are being considered
Opportunity for questions
You will receive a TUPE information pack and all the forms you need so we can set you up correctly on our systems in preparation for your transfer and first pay date. This information will also help us arrange one-to-one conversations with you.
Frequently asked questions
What does the law say?
The Transfer of undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006, more commonly known as TUPE, was brought in to protect employees whose employer changes as a result of take-over, merger, change of owner, or when contracts transfer from one company to another.
What does this mean to me?
If you decide to transfer, your contract of employment carries on without a break, giving you continuous service from the date you started with your previous employer (or before if you have transferred through TUPE previously).
It also means that your current Terms & Conditions of Employment will transfer to [name of company].
Do I have to transfer?
No, the choice is up to you.
What happens if I decide not to transfer?
If your existing company does not have another job for you, then you would be deemed to have voluntarily resigned from your position.
You would not get redundancy pay as the job you were in would still exist and would transfer.
Will there definitely be a job for me?
This will depend upon the number of people transferring into Calico and the service provision we have been awarded. If there aren’t enough positions for the number of people transferring in, we will proceed with redundancy consultations and selection. The redundancy terms will be the same as with your old employer.
What if the job titles and roles are changing?
Job Matching is a process where we would match job roles from the current structure into roles in the new one. To do this we compare current job descriptions.
We also ask for input from the staff team, as we appreciate that job descriptions often don’t tell the full story and that it’s likely that staff will complete tasks or responsibilities as part of their day job which aren’t listed on their job description.
Each transferring employee is therefore given the opportunity to complete a ‘job matching survey’, which gives them the opportunity to tell us about things that they do that are not included in their job descriptions. You will also be consulted throughout this process to ensure that you are involved.
Will I still get the same holiday entitlement?
Yes, whatever entitlement you had will remain unchanged.
What about any pre-booked holidays?
Anything you already have booked will be honoured. Please raise this as part of your one to one meeting or if you are not able to attend, please ask your representative to pass this information to our management team as soon as possible.
Can I remain a member of my trade union on transfer?
Yes. The transfer does not affect your right to be a member of a trade union.
I have a company pension scheme, is this covered by TUPE?
Pensions are exempt from transferring under TUPE legislation. We will therefore offer you a pension scheme in line with the new regulations.
Please seek independent financial advice in respect of the possibility of transferring any previous pension funds into our scheme. Calico has a partnership with a company called Cfed who support with this and we can provide their information upon request. This is a free, confidential service that we offer to support our staff as part of our Wellbeing – Money Matters agenda.
How will my pay be affected?
You will be on the same salary/hourly rate. However, your pay day may change. You will be informed as part of the measures communicated to you.
Will I get a staff handbook?
No, we don’t have a staff handbook. However, all of our policies and procedures can be found on the company intranet which you will have access to on transfer. Or if there is anything in particular you would like to review before the transfer, please contact our HR representative to request.
Will I still work in the same team?
This depends whether there will be a restructure of roles following the transfer. If this is required, there will be a full consultation with all affected staff.
Will I work the same shifts?
Shift patterns may change dependent on service delivery needs and may form part of a wider restructure. However, wherever shift changes are proposed, you would have the opportunity to discuss how this impacts you.
What happens on the day of transfer?
You should have already received all the relevant information about where to attend and what time. There may be new systems to learn such as the Company intranet, our HR & Payroll system as well as computer networks, client management systems etc.
We know that this can be daunting so you will be allocated a ‘buddy’ for the first few weeks so that you can ask questions as and when needed. However, you will get a full induction so that you are given all the information and training you need to help with the transition.